Integration overview

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  1. Installed Nextis.SDK.TecDOCInterface
  2. NET Framework 5.7 and higher

Installation overview

  • Support files are instaled into Program files\Nextis\Nextis.TecDOC.UI.Extension
  • Code sample is installed into Documents\Nextis\Nextis.TecDOC.UI.SampleCode

Step by step integration

  • Put the TecDOC AMAZON WS endpoint (as shown below) into your application configuration file (usually app_name.exe.config)
        <binding name="TecdocToCatPortBinding1" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" />
      <endpoint address=""
        binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TecdocToCatPortBinding1"
        contract="TecDocProxyAMAZON.TecdocToCat" name="TecdocToCatPort1" />
  • Within your project create data connection class inherited from Nextis.SDK.TecDOC data manager (see code sample)
  • Fill base methods to connect your data to TecDOC result (see code sample)
  • Show TecDOC interface within your ERP environment or as a separated window (see code sample)

What else you can do?

  • Change language
    • The interface supports 6 languages
    • You can switch language as shown in the code sample
  • Configure TecDOC source
    • The interface supports all known TecDOC data sources as AMAZON, ATHOS, Off-LINE

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