Eshop 9 changelog EN
9.6.* (23.05.2019)
REPAIRS * Unselected search target if the text is entered too quickly into SmartSearch. (23.05.2019)
NEWS * Write the domain from which the order was created. * The basket retrieval function in the PublicWS.svc web service also returns the product basket name.
ADJUSTMENTS * Button on error page. * The generated link to a specific Url in the ACI is modified by an equal sign.
REPAIRS * Error message in Laxima tree menu. * History search threw vehicle. * Incorrect selection of a TecDoc group while filtering or returning from detail. (20.05.2019)
REPAIRS * track to product detail. (20.05.2019)
NEWS * Settings for favorite producers within quick search. * The order items can be clicked on the product detail. * In Laxim's search through the model, the search box is in the outgoing menus.
REPAIRS * PREMIUM - Title reloading from dinamic loading. * Missing button to add article to compare when delivery times are on. * Wrong layer overlapping of tooltip window over SmartSearch. * When you repeatedly click on the unpacked combo box, it did not pack. * When you repeatedly click on the already unpacked users menu, it did not pack. * Wrong calculation of main menu width. * View of registration form on mobile device. * View of the order form on your mobile device. * Bad price selection when retrieving order information. * Error message if the vehicle in Laxima does not have a tree menu. (13.05.2019)
NEWS * Button to go to order. * Ability to display information text for unsigned customers if B2C mode is disabled. * Automatically roll up of the top menu if the content is overflowing. * PREMIUM - Google Adwords->Google Ads. * Searching in TecDoc engines also account engine codes. * A public web service method to download items from a cart and then delete them. * PREMIUM - Added parameters to url addresses.
ADJUSTMENTS * Break crump navigation in the tecdoc catalog points to the selected node. * Email in the order allows you to enter multiple emails. * Hiding the user ID in the user panel. * Reworked animations.
REPAIRS * New ways to product details for other languages. * View product detail of other TecDoc numbers if it contains files for download. * Reopening a payment gateway if a foreign currency is not set on the order. * The first search via SmartSearch did not respond. * When the whole cart was deleted, inactive baskets were also deleted. * Error in Laximo product detail with invalid SSD. (02.05.2019)
NEWS * PREMIUM - Added code for conversion of zboží.cz * PREMIUM - Add conversion tracking settings to zboží.cz * The ability to cross Laximo catalog to products through Tecdoc + system. * Ability to separate the order into a separate document, regardless of the document type. * View a note in the order list. * Sort delivery times by delivery speed. * New separate action settings for eshop v9.
ADJUSTMENTS * If the price at delivery time is zero, it will not be displayed. * Hiding elements on a page when the B2C mode is disabled for unsigned customers.
REPAIRS * Optimization of SmartSearch search. * Hide login dialog if login or password is selected by mouse. * Display name and product producer for additional tecdoc products. * Non-functional department on separated document. * Loading of the system files for download at the product * Reservations were not taken into account in the quantity of article to be ordered. (17.04.2019)
NEWS * On the Laximo OE selection page in the image display, the selected OE is displayed above the confirmation button. * PREMIUM - Set up ACI subtitles and headings. * Settings to display text return information about article * Ability to display a button to go to an older version of eshop. * MPossibility to search in zásilkovna branches.
REPAIRS * Display links for article insertig and complaints in the user menu in the footer. * View the information for a product return in detail if normal warehouses are turned on. * Fixed display of tooltips on mobile device. (11.04.2019)
NEWS * Displaying delivery times on warehouses for WCF API. (10.04.2019)
NEWS * Settings for country preference. * Settings to show only preferred countries. (10.04.2019)
NEWS * Product Add-ons if you use lite pricing via DB API. * Downloadable files on product from TecDoc.
REPAIRS * Showing profit points in replacements * Consideration of product archiving when using delivery times. (08.04.2019)
NEWS * Setting for the obligation to enter an email in the order. * Setting for the obligation to enter the phone in the order. (04.04.2019)
NEWS * Přidání telefonu do karty pokud není vyplněn. (04.04.2019)
NOVINKY * Přidání emailu do karty pokud není vyplněn. (03.04.2019)
NOVINKY * Možnost nastavení ignorovat skryté produktové skupiny na zákazníka.
ÚPRAVY * Možnost editovat telefon v objednávkovém formuláři. * Filtr výrobců je viditelný v mobilní verzi.
OPRAVY * Položky s nulovou cenou nelze vložit do košíku. * Po odstranění zboží ze sumáře v košíku nelze používat tlačítka pro nastavení množství. (01.04.2019)
OPRAVY * Chyba při nenalezení vozidla vyhledaného přes SmartSearch. * Načtení čísla objednávky, při použití XSLT šablony pro potvrzení objednávky. * Načítání vlastního čísla objednávky. * Přidáno ID středisko pro vybrané kategorie. * Název auta, pro které byl produkt vyhledán v položkách objednávky. (27.03.2019)
NOVINKY * Chytré vyhledávání SmartSearch. * Správně načtění stránky po pořechodu zpět z detailu produktu na seznam produktů. * Možnost automatického zapsání zvolené dopravy i do poznámky k objednávce.
ÚPRAVY * Email a telefon v dodací adrese není povinný.
OPRAVY * Nelze vložit zboží do košíku pokud bylo vyhledáno se znakem tabulátoru.