API GetDeliveryNote

Z Podpora.nextis.cz
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Method gives You overview of existing delivery note in system.

Exact name



Standard view.


Column Data type Description Relation
ID int Internal system id
StockID int ID of stock from stock list (see relation) API_GetStocks.ID
BranchID int ID of branch from branch list (see relation) API_GetBranches.ID
SupplierID int ID of customer from customer list (see relation) API_GetCustomers.ID
OrdererID int ID of customer from customer list (see relation) API_GetCustomers.ID
RecipientID int ID of customer from customer list (see relation) API_GetCustomers.ID
TransportID int ID of transport from transport list (see relation) API_GetTransports.ID
PaymentTypeID int Payment type ID.

-1 - _NA

1 - Cash

2 - WireTransfer

3 - CreditCard

4 - Before

5 - Voucher

6 - CashOnDelivery

CurrencyID int ID of currency from currency list (see relation) API_GetCurrency.ID
Number nvarchar(25) Number
Date datetime Date
OrdererName nvarchar(140) Orderer name
OrdererStreet nvarchar(100) Orderer street
OrdererCity nvarchar(140) Orderer city
OrdererZIPCode nvarchar(10) Orderer ZIP code
OrdererCountry nvarchar(50) Orderer country
OrdererRegion nvarchar(30) Orderer region
OrdererState nvarchar(50) Orderer state
CompanyRegistrationNumber nvarchar(20) Company registration number
VATNumber nvarchar(20) VAT number
RecipientName nvarchar(140) Recipient name
RecipientStreet nvarchar(100) Recipient street
RecipientCity nvarchar(140) Recipient city
RecipientZIPCode nvarchar(10) Recipient ZIP code
RecipientCountry nvarchar(50) Recipient country
RecipientRegion nvarchar(30) Recipient region
RecipientState nvarchar(50) Recipient state
RecipientNote nvarchar(250) Recipient note
IsCanceled int Is canceled
IsCancelReason nvarchar(150) Is cancel reason
IsCancelDate datetime Is cancel date
Note nvarchar(300) Note
OrdererPhone nvarchar(30) Orderer phone
OrdererFax nvarchar(30) Orderer fax
OrdererMobilePhone nvarchar(30) Orderer mobile phone
OrdererEmail nvarchar(60) Orderer email
OrdererUrl nvarchar(50) Orderer url
RecipientPhone nvarchar(30) Recipient phone
RecipientFax nvarchar(30) Recipient fax
RecipientMobilePhone nvarchar(30) Recipient mobile phone
Recipient email nvarchar(60) Recipient email
RecipientUrl nvarchar(50) Recipient url
RecipientCompanyRegistrationNumber nvarchar(20) Recipient company registration number
RecipientVATNumber nvarchar(20) Recipient VAT number
OrdererBankName nvarchar(120) Orderer bank name
OrdererBankAccount nvarchar(50) Orderer bank account
OrdererVATNumber2 nvarchar(20) Orderer VAT number 2
RecipientVATNumber2 nvarchar(20) Recipient VAT number 2
IsPrinted int Is printed
PrintedDate date Printed date
StornoDocument int Storno document
StornoDocumentOriginID int ID of delivery note from delivery note list (see relation) API_GetDeliveryNote.ID
CurrencyInCurrencyID int ID of currency from currency list (see relation) API_GetCurrency.ID
ExchangeRate decimal(18,2) Exchange rate


SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM [API_GetDeliveryNote]

